
Introducing Windows 10: Microsoft’s Latest Operating System

windows 10

Introducing Windows 10

Prepare to upgrade today.

As business professionals, it’s imperative that you keep your organization's technology up to date with the latest operating systems and software patches, as lapses of network security can be devastating. Microsoft is releasing its next operating system, Windows 10, on July 29th, 2015. To entice users to upgrade to their new offering, Microsoft is offering a free upgrade to those who currently use Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.


Understanding Sarbanes-Oxley Act IT Compliance

sox compliance

IT Compliance for Accountants

For accountants that deal with publicly owned companies, ensuring your IT infrastructure is SOx-compliant is a must.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was adopted as law to ensure that investors have reliable data in which to make their financial decisions. The law was, in large part, a result of the accounting scandals that took place around the turn of the century including within publicly-traded organizations such as Enron, Tyco International, Adelphia, and WorldCom.


Understanding Bring Your Own Device


Mobile Strategies: Bring Your Own Device

The proliferation of security measures in response to the introduction of outside device access of your organization’s network is paramount for thorough network security.

In a world where seemingly everyone has a device that they bring everywhere, how can you make this trend work for your business while keeping your IT infrastructure from being infiltrated by malicious entities? By instituting a conscientious and thorough Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) strategy, your company can make your staff’s devices work for your company.


Understanding the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

Need a Secure Interface in which to Transfer Sensitive Information?

Secure Credit Card Transactions

Oaks Data Systems provides solutions for companies searching for a secure interface in which to transfer sensitive information.

Does your business accept credit cards? Do you need it to? In order to open your Southern California area small business up to the enhanced profit potential that accepting credit cards can provide, you'll need to understand what responsibilities you take on by accepting these forms of payment. Small businesses are prime targets for data plunderers. If you don't protect against these thieves, you may be subject to paying restitution, fines, or lose the ability to accept cards as payment.


Our 10 Benefits

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This whitepaper will evaluate the differences between traditional technical support practices and modern managed IT practices and the pros and cons of both in regards to small and medium-sized businesses.

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